Jual Plat Quard 400

Quard400 0010

Quard 400 Plate
Quard 400 is an abrasion resistant steel with an initial hardness of 400 Brinell.

Due to its optimal combination of hardness, strength and ductility, Quard 400 can be used in any application subject to wear from various hard abrasives such as rocks, sand, minerals, scrap, waste or other aggressive materials.

Quard 400 is easy to bend, cut, machine and weld (to some extent, it’s like processing mild steel).

In all thicknesses Quard 400 provides an excellent surface finish within tight thickness tolerances, with a high-quality appearance and maximum fitting accuracy.

Quard 400 is ideal for applications such as: buckets, crushers, cutting edges, dump trucks, loaders, skips, sieves, feeders, measuring pockets, skips, etc

Quard 400 at present is supplied in the following range:
• thickness: 4 – 30 mm
• width: 1500 – 3100 mm

Chemical composition: ( % )

C Si Mn Cr Mo P Ni S B
 0.19 0.60 1.60 0.50 0.25 0.025 0.025 0.010 0.005

Mechanical Properties

Hardness (HBW) : 370 – 430
Charpy-V notch : 40J
impact test (longitudinal at -40 °C)
Yield Strength (MPa): 1050
Tensile Strength (MPa): 1250
Elongation (%): 10


• mining and earthmoving machinery
• crushing and pulverizing equipment
• buckets, knives, crushers, feeders
• presses
• skips
• excavators
• slurry pipe systems
• screw conveyors

Product Wear Plates:

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